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Fuel Reduction: SCFS is contracted through government agencies as well as private contractors to be able to provide necessary equipment in removing enough vegetation (fuel) so that when a wildfire burns, it is less severe and can be more easily managed. When vegetation, or fuels, accumulate, they allow fires to burn hotter, faster, and with higher flame lengths. We desire to eliminate those risk with SCFS services. 


Fire Plan for Construction & Service Contracts: Sand Creek Fire Suppression (SCFS) Teams will provide direct defense of utility infrastructure and conduct safety and prevention, mitigation, and maintenance activities on company properties or rights of way year-round. In addition, SCFS Teams will provide safety standby services to Contractors as well as onsite fire mitigation and suppression, on site work area prep, TD 1464s compliance for all operations Switching, Pole Change Outs, Transformer Change Outs, Grounding, and Isolation, Helicopter Operations form lay down yard perp to on site pole and reconductoring operations and installation. SCFS will also provide onsite fire safety observations and tailboards relative to fire mitigation.


Reseeding: With devastating wildfires over the last several years that have consumed live and dead fuels SCFS has the capabilities to recover post wildfire plant species, manage invasive non-native plant populations and establish valued vegetation compositions by post-fire seeding of native trees and grasses. 



  • All team members will have 1st Aid and CPR Training, basic fire safety and suppression training, shelter training, ICS 100 & 200 certification or equivalent, maintain a Class C license and have documentation of successfully passing the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT), Certified Chainsaw Safety, Electric Hazard Awareness and Avoidance, and Site Inspection to Recognize and Mitigate all Hazards.


  • Crew Leads also will have completed Intermediate Fire Behavior (S-290) or equivalent, ICS 300 & 400 certifications or equivalent, and qualified fire service driver/operator training (or equivalent) in addition to the qualifications listed above.


  • SCFS teams will be led by a SCFS Crew Lead and a SCFS Technician who operate a SCFS Type 6 wildland fire engine. SCFS goal is to have a minimum of 8 teams located throughout our service territory in high fire-threat areas, primarily in the Northern Valley Region with additional teams in the Bay Area Region, Central Valley Region and Central Coast Region.

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